Monday, October 6, 2008

Boston Celtics: NBA Champions

Kevin Eastman, assistant coach for the Boston Celtics, recently posted a blog on individual and team discipline. We always tell our players that there is a reason why these guys are the best basketball players in the world. I am not sure they completely grasp how hard the NBA players work day in and day out to improve and refine their fundamental skills. Here is the proof taken from one of the best skill development coaches in the business.

Ray Allen arriving at the game site 3 hours before tip-off so he can go through his shooting preparations before anyone else on either team is in there (and I will tell you this was the case every night because I was right there with him), to Rajon Rondo making a minimum of 100 shots before each game so that he develops not only good form on his shot but also the workout discipline needed on a daily basis to become an improved shooter (we estimated that he made almost 12,000 shots total before all of the games combined last year — and 12,000 shots if done with fundamental form can improve your shot, to Kevin Garnett working on some part of his game just about every one of those 287 days (he is a very big believer in fundamentals and repetition). And this doesn't even take into account a Paul Pierce working on the treadmill many days whether we are practicing or not.

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